about us
De Machienerie is a creative company/
workshop that focuses on building their own and also external
The world they live in,
is one of wood and steel.
The Machienerie has been established with the intention of creating visual, poetic stories, which always have a cross-over link to street theatre, puppetry and circus.

There are three pillars from which work is done in the Machienerie today:
1. artistic work ___ (own artistic work, presentation and production)
2. network ___ (productions with partners and commissioned)
3. workshop ___ (education and volunteers)
De Machienerie wants to create qualitative and innovative performances. Innovative in the sense that the company within the Flemish circus and arts landscape caters to an almost nonexistent segment of cultural experience in which the focus is on the language of form. A language of form that connects art, history and (our contemporary) society. And this in a form vocabulary in which natural and recycled materials, manual manipulation and technology find their place.
De Machienerie tries to establish a cross-fertilization between the theatrical performative and the beauty of nature. In the workshop, mechanical installations and sculptures are made that move and can actually do what they were made for.
The so-called bricoleur poétique is a way of being that connects craft, aesthetics and poetry. The term is used within De Machienerie to express the craft in various metiers such as welding, electricity, ebenistery, theater, circus, scenography. Creating mechanical installations requires expertise, time to make and a maturing process.
These people are sparse. The Machienerie aims to attract passionate people and pass on the knowledge of these crafts.
Self-development and development are essential for the company. A lot of effort is put into identity and quality.
The essence of what De Machienerie stands for lies in capturing images. Images that, through the used craft from which they are made, are strengthened in their message. In this way it is possible to connect with an audience and thus also with socially critical beliefs in an open, honest and casual way.
That which you can see, and which sincerely touches in beauty, can move and hopefully makes you dream away.
Uncovering the mechanisms and making visible how exactly something works creates an experience of delay for the viewer.
In this way it is possible to connect emotionally with the artistic work and thus also with the world.
The Machienerie is already an accessible meeting place for (young) professionals in the arts sector who like to work with work materials themselves. The workshop offers expertise and machines for the construction of technical installations and set construction.
At the same time, De Machienerie also wants to be an open meeting place for constructors, artists, makers, professionals from the visual arts ...
The Machienerie is a place where artistic exchange is central. A place where experience is gained and active networking is possible. With this in mind, volunteering within the studio has been further thought out and has also been realized in a contemporary way.
The Machienerie creates a place full of atmosphere where everyone can feel at home.